Steendrukkerij De Jong & Co, 1911 – 1971

333 Congratulatory Pieces of Artwork Reproduced in this “Book of Frriends”

Dick Bruna, Hein van Haaren, Paul Mertz and Sir Paul Reilly: LIBER AMICORUM [Steendrukkerij De Jong & Co, 1911 – 1971]. [Hilversum: Steendrukkerij De Jong & Co., 1972]. First edition. Square quarto. Plain matte white wrappers titled to spine. Unpaginated. 332 black and white illustrations. 1 color plate.  Steendrukkerij De Jong & Co. TLS folded and laid in. White wrappers faintly soiled, but a very good copy of this rare celebratory edition.

9.75 x 9.5 square quarto published to celebrate the 333 pieces of art mailed to Steendrukkerij De Jong & Co. from Artists and Designers around the world to commemorate 60 years of fine printing and design advocacy. A Liber Amicorum (plural: libri amicorum; the Latin phrase means 'book of friends') is sometimes also called an album amicorum and is a type of autograph album that flourished in Western Europe in the sixteenth century.

Laid in sheet of  Steendrukkerij De Jong & Co. letterhead with signed facsimile typed letter to one of the 300+ contributors thanking them for their contribution.

  Steendrukkerij De Jong & Co. were justly famous for their Quadrat-Prints series—experimental booklets in printing ranging over the fields of graphic design, the plastic arts, literature, architecture and music. "The Quadrat-Prints appear at irregular intervals. They are published only after the most stringent requirements of intellectual and technical production have been met."Steendrukkerij De Jong & Co. published 34 Quadrat-Prints between 1955 and 1974, with Pieter Brattinga serving as general editor and individual designers given free reign with their chosen subjects in the visual arts, literature, music, architecture, typography, etc. None of these publications were for sale -- they were distributed to friends and business associates by De Jong as elaborate self-promotions.

This Libor Amicorum includes custom-prepared artwork by Sem Aardewerk, L. Alcopley, Stedelijk van Abbemuseum, Elisabeth Augustin, Kees Andrea, Arno Arts, Sanm de Back, G. Arendzen,Libero Badii, C. A. Bantzinger, Dr. Andrzej Banach, Ruoni Barth, Herbert Bayer, Friedrich Bayl, Jan Begeer, Prof. Felix Bertran, Gustav Beran, Jan van den Berg, Igildo G. Biesele, Leo le Blanc, C. P. D. de Boer, H. Bongard, J. Bons, Leonardo Borgese, Ben Bos, B. Bouman, Oim van Boxsel, Lars Bramberg, Chris Brand, Rene Glaser, Waltr Breker, Jan Brinkman/Niko Spelbrink/Guus Ros, Ko van den Broecke, Architectengemeenschap van den Broek en Bakema, Ds. A. L. Broer, Henk Broer, Ton Brouns and Ton Florisson, Ivana Brozková, Donald Bruna, A. W. Bruna & Zoons Uitgeversmij N.V., Dick Bruna, Flip van der Burgt, Klaus Burkhardt, Pia Burri-Jacobsen, F. G. J. Buitendijk, Roger Callois, Sjoerd Bijlsma, Carlos Cairoli, Chelsea School of Art, Paul Citroen, Lourdes Castro, Kenneth Clark Drs. W. J. Claus, Martin Collins, A. D. Copier, Crosby, Fletcher, Forbes, Ltd., Wim Crouwel, Jack Cudworth, Jeffrey John Dance, Kenneth Day, Jean David, Michael C. H. Dean, A. D. Dekkers, Ger Dekkers, Michel Delacroix, Design Centre, Amsterdam, H. P. Doebele, C. Domela, D. Dooijes, Jopie en Henk Doomekamp,N. A. Douwes Dekker, A. J. J. Dresmé, Prof. Dr. Peter G. Duker, Stacy Dukes, Tom Eckersley, Olle Eksell, V. Elenbaas, Dick Elffers, Jupp Ernst, G. Escher, Pieter Groot, Frans Evenhuis, Gigi Fornasetti, A. Frutiger, Jacques N. Garamond, Harry Geertzen, Cok de Graaf, P. Gregoire, Joh. Haanstra, Hans Haderek, Rolf Harder, Ashley Havinden, F. H. K. Henrion, Rémy Hétreau, Prof. Oldrich Hlavsa, Prof. Adam Hoffmann, Aoi Huber, Max Huber, Paul Huf, H. M. Hylkema-Damen, Marcel Jacno, Frans de Jong, A. F. D. Kappert, Mart Kempers, Kho Liang, H. Kleibrink, Aart Klein, Klingspor Museum, Peter Kneebone, Guillaume Knies, Kothius Art-Team, Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, J. H. Kuiper, Titus Leeser, Dr. Robert leslie, Olaf Leu, Jac Linsson, Kurt Löb, Peter Marcuse, Karel Martens, Geert-Jan van Meurs, Wicher Meursing, Jan Meijer, H. A. Molenaar, Sam Middleton, C. N. E. de Moor, Max Neufeld, Reinhart Morscher, Kasper Niehaus, Kees Nieuwenhuijzen, Nikos, Oey Tjeng Sit, Hiroshi Ohchi, Cas Oorthuys, H. Th. Oudejans, Jan Peeters, Ad Pieters, G. Potman, Stanislaw Raczynski, Jan Rajlich, The Rampant Lions Press, Josef Anton Riedl, Lotte Ruting, Ebbe Sadolin, Anton Sailer, Shokichi Sando, Scapa, Just Sark, Jan Schippers, Har Siekman, René J. H. Smeets, Herbert Spencer, Anton Stankowski, Jan Stegeman, Heiri Steiner, Jean Stevo, Frits Stoepman, Dragoslav Stojanovic, Rein Stuurman, Gerard van Straaten, Alam Swerdlow, Ilmaro Tapiovaara, K. Teissig, Alan Teister, J. M. Tjepkema, Henrijk Tomaszewski, F. Topolski, O. Treumann, George Tscherny, Telesforas Valius, Max Velthuijs, Titia Verwayen, Lucie Visser, Paul van Vliet, Pim de Vroomen, Architektenburea C. J. Wagenaar,Wallase Ting, Fedde Weidema, Stichting De Werkschutt, Tho Wernik, Ir. J. de Wilde, Daan Wildschut, Kurt Wirth, Jan le Witt, Prof. Horst Erich Wolter, John Wood, Ed Wright, Yo Bwan Tjong, Prof. Yukio Tsuchiya, Italo Zannier, Udo Zisowsky, Piet Zwart, Frans Hollander and Ed van der Elsken among others.

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