550W Universal PSU for PC/Desktop Computer - BRAND NEW

Product Status: Brand New, Unopened, In Stock, Ready for Dispatch

Power Supply Rating: 550W
Dimensions: 150mm x 140mm x 85mm


1 x Motherboard (20 or 24 Pin - Universal Connector)
2 x 4-Pin Molex
4 x SATA Power
1 x 4+4 (8-Pin) AUX Power
1 x FDD Power

Other Features: Large 120mm Quiet Cooling Fan, w/Fan Guard.
Thermal Controlled Fan.
High Efficiency - 85%
4 x 12V Rails for added stability.
Supports  NVidia SLI & AMD Crossfire.

Limited stock.  Buy from a reliable company, professional seller who is committed to their craft of online selling.



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