Emmi-pet – pet-waver - 2 Ultrasound Head Attachments for Pets (S2 - Small Head Size)


Emmi-pet’s head attachment for the Emmi-Pet Ultrasound device contain a special, worldwide-patented Piezo-Chip. This Piezo-Chip is embedded inside the head, right behind the bristles and generates the 100% Original Emmi-dent Ultrasound. The specially developed bristles transmit the Ultrasound, generating millions of nano-sized cleaning bubbles that gently clean teeth and gums.


Emmi-pet works completely silent, without vibrations and does not require brushing. Simply, put a pea-size amount of Emmi-dent Ultrasound toothpaste on the bristles and then hold the bristles next to teeth and gums. The nano-size cleaning bubbles will gently clean teeth and gums.  The nano-bubbles are very small reaching even into the tiniest crevices - cleaning away harmful and bad breath causing bacteria.


Content: 2 Ultrasound Bristle Head attachments for Emmi-pet Ultrasound Device – 2 small head sizes (S2)


Emmi-pet with 100% Original Ultrasound health teeth & gums and a fresh breath for your pet.