This is an original American Empire table, not American Empire revival, as many others asvertised  that were made 1890's or 1920's. It has marvelous flame or crotch veneer patterns which accentuate a heart cutout with doves on each side. The master craftsmen used the book matched veneer to accent the heart cutout especially on the back side of the cutout.. It has a 2 piece solid mahogany top that swivels to reveal storage for card or game is beautiful when open or leaned against the wall. it appears to be original finish which has not darkened like most I moved this outside into the afternoon Florida sun to bring out the glow of the  matched flame mahogany veneer. Note picture  #9, showing how the book matched grain was applied to accent the lovely doves, in the cutout, Photos 8 and 9 show the back which was probably against the wall for 170 years, and has slightly different appearance and veneer than  front. Though it is not necessary, it would be a simple matter to reverse the top part, which is held with 2 bolts; to use the back of the base as the front..I have not refinished this, but left this as acquired about 1990, from a family of a world antique specialist , who had only the best. The appearance is more like it was in the 1830's, than another piece I have which has darkened varnish, as most do. A very unique and romantic piece, due to the 2 doves or lovebirds. Most similar tables have  vase type bases. The small water spots happened when the eye of hurricane Andrew passed over my house, rain blew in the lee side one inch  open window, which became the windward side, after the eye passed.  This has the original iron casters, which still roll. These were part of the design. The table gave an air of quality and elegance, but to make it not appear heavy, the casters kept it above the wood floor, so it actually appeared to be floating above the floor     

    A little background;  French Empire began in 1800 when Napoleon needed new furniture, the old having been destroyed in the revolution. The new design gave an impression of wealth, power and stability.. French Empire was favored in America, and after the 1814 war with France ended, American Empire, also called Restauration  developed. The machine band saw was invented allowing thick sheets of vertical crotch veneer mahogany to be cut. In New York, a leading Company issued the first known furniture catalogue in 1833, and supplied furniture fit for elegant new Greek Revival homes, built by the new wealth of the industrial revolution..That catalogue is the best illustration of this style  The compound S curves were often reversed, meaning similar pieces may have a reverse scroll on base or feet.Though it looks heavy, it is hollow and light, as it was shipped by sailing and steam ship, canal boat, horse and wagon. Much ended up in Key West homes, from ships lost on the Florida reefs enroute to New Orleans, where it went up the Mississipi to Southern plantation homes. In 1840, the Steam Powered band saw was  was introduced. Victorian homes and rococo furniture  with bulges and grooves began  then, but American Empire or Restauration remained popular until the Civil War, among those who owned Greek Revival homes, where this belongs. 

     If you are recreating a Key West or Southern Plantation museum, this is your period. NOTE, Beware of Empire Revival; this style became popular again about 1890, but trees with this quality veneer , and the craftsmen were extinct, so the later revival has thin cheap veneer. It has recently come around again, and I have seen modern copies for similar price that do not even have veneer, but are straight grain wood, I could also help you furnish your drawing room with other similar correct pieces, from my collection, inquire.I have other marine and 19th century antiques. (Look on the Books,Literature,Art section of my eBay store). You may inquire 1954JAGUARS , or 1954JAGPART . I ship Priority  mail in the US, or Priority Express out of the US..Overseas rate is to MIAMI FLORIDA for those who have an agent there. If you do Not have a US agent Please give me your full overseas address for exact shipping cost. Thank you, James Dean