Purple Table

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                                                   PURPLE TABLE

                                9 inches by 12 inches


                               on 140 lb Watercolor Paper**

Little Info:  I was looking at an artwork of an artist from years ago and my thoughts became this room. My lady in boots sits comfortably in a large chair with flowers on a "purple table". Thanks for looking in today-Mary


Sold Unframed

I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be represented by a local gallery at the 2010 Slotin Folk Art Fest.

I retain ALL rights and copyrights by law to only approve copies of my art to be made. Mary Carol Williams

I think it is time to tell you a little more about myself. I am Mary Carol Williams and I started selling my paintings on eBay in Jan. 2004. I have always said that I am a hobby style painter and primitive. But... since that time I have sold over 2000 works and that makes me very happy! Another eBay artist who purchased several of my artworks stated that I reminded her of Milton Avery (how kind) and others have told me of the vitality in my paintings. Many have told me of the smiles that they have when viewing my work.

I am mostly self taught but have a fine inspiration in my professional artist husband-John Williams. Also an art class that I took several years ago with a wonderful teacher (who has since passed on) finished with her telling me not to be discouraged. Discouraged!? I have found that I can't leave the paint alone. I am childlike in my approach but I believe that we all must find our way to express ourselves. My expressions have found their way to Israel and Puerto Rico and many homes in between. Life is so full of surprises and I love each day.

Thank you for stopping to see what I have created.

- Mary Carol

I have recently been informed that a British collector of my artwork has included my paintings in an exhibit in London, England.

I am very thankful and flattered.

OUTSIDER ART: Self taught, Outsider, Folk art is as diverse as the name implies. Outsider is a term coined more than 30 years ago to suggest that the artists are creating outside the mainstream-along the edge. Self taught is a more precise term because it is the only trait that unites the many artists in this grouping. This type of artist is DRIVEN by some inner impulse and urge to create. Most have an enviable capacity to express themselves without fear of reproach, courage to bear their spirits through their creations. Oblivious to convention-an unusual quality which produces fresh innovative work. In the last fifteen years, interest in self taught works has exploded. In 1990 less than 10 museums included folk art now over 50 vie for the best. If you are a new collector-I suggest that you research all you can about self taught artists. It is a fascinating field. But buy what you heart dictates as art, is a personal aspect of life and expressionist work should be what speaks to you.

Fine Visionaryart.com remark:

VISIONARY ART COMMENT: Every now and then someone pops up that makes you wonder "Where have you been and where did you come from?" Mary Carol is such an artist. She exhibits so many abilities in just these eight representative works. One of the best finds of the year. Amazing use of color and an innate sense of structure. Her work will not be offered at these prices for very long. Pick up a couple now, you'll be glad you did in a couple of years.

Mary Carol Thoughts~Many artists give a statement about their art, so these are my thoughts. I paint because I love to. The passion just happened and sometimes I feel like Van Gogh must have felt as I need to explore and explode my thoughts onto paper, canvas, or wood.

In my life I have always been interested in many things and at times thought it would be better to focus. Yet now I think this is just a part of me and my mind needs to take in so much everyday. Life is grand and brief but so full if everyday more knowledge and enjoyment is added to your heart.

I love to read, used to love to dance, like differences in food, LOVE color. My artworks I believe convey joy and rhythm=a smile. Am I an Outsider? Yes, I am me and I don't think judgment is a question. Take my artworks and visualize color, subject, and bursts of emotion because this is all I can give to each work and for that matter each aspect of life. MC



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Auction Template by Meepworks. All template images ?? J. Mayhall 2004-2011.

Original by Mary Carol
I do want to thank you for this purchase of my art. If you have any questions please send them on to me.

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