1663 1st ed Court of Rome Papacy of Pope Alexander VII Vatican Elzevier Corraro


A rare first edition printing of ‘Ferrare du Tot’s account and history of the Roman court during the papacy of Pope Alexander VII. This work was published by the famous Dutch printers, Elzevier.


According to both Willems and Goldsmid,

“the author’s real name was Charles Ferrrare du Tot, a counselor in the parliament of Rouen. Almarigo Lorens is a pseudonym of Laurent Maurry of Rouen, by whom the original was printed.”


Item number: #7871

Price: $499


CORRARO, Angelo [pseud. of Charles de Ferrare du Tot]


Relation de la cour de Rome, faite l'an 1661 au conseil du Pregadi par l'excellentissime seigneur Angelo Corraro ambassadeur de la serenissime republique de Venise aupres du pape Alexandre VII.


Leide [i. e. Amsterdam] chez Almarigo Lorens [i. e. Elzevier] 1663. First edition.



·        Collation: Complete with all pages

o   [8], 136

·       References: Willems 1300

·       Language: Latin

·       Binding: Vellum; tight & secure

·       Size: ~5in X 3in (13cm x 8cm)

·       Very rare


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