BestLife4Pets Walk-Easy Hip and Joint Supplement for Dogs and Cats - Powerful Anti-inflammatory Support and Proven Arthritis Pain Relief Pills - All Natural, No Bad Stuff, Easy to Give Your Pet

All natural advanced anti-inflammatory support and arthritis pain relief pills for your dog and cat.

An easy to use, chemical free, no-fuss remedy that delivers fast results with no side-effects.

Helps with all forms of arthritis, leg joint or back pain. Whether your aging pet just started slowing down, has hip dysplasia, or suffered an injury such as a torn ACL, or even just a sprain - WALK-EASY Joint and Hip Pain Relief Remedy will get your pet mobile and walking pain free again. Proven homeopathic formula doesn't just address the symptoms of pain and inflammation but gets to the root cause to provide long lasting relief.
Key Benefits:

Ammonium Phos D3, Bryonia D4, Caulophyllum D3, Colchicum D2, Ledum Pal D3, Rhus Tox Ø, Urtica Uren Ø

Mix pellets in with cat or dog food. If your pet won’t eat the pellets whole, then crush them between two spoons and mix with food. Pellets can also be dissolved in a bit of water in your pet’s water bowl.