Avant-garde of Mike Yohansen.
Editor D.Gorbachov- Ukrainian art critic of 1900-30s)

On the base of the Yohansen’s most well-known experimental novel "Doctor Leonardo's Travels through the Switzerland of Slobidska Ukraine ("Podorozh doktora Leonardo po Slobozhansky Shvaitsarii"), 1928

Maik (Mykhailo) Yohansen (1895-1937) – was a Ukrainian poet, prose writer, dramatist, translator, critic and linguist. He was one of the founders of VAPLITE.

The book is illustrated by artwork of artist: A.Petrytsky, O.Khvostenko-Khvostov, K.Redko, V.Yermylov, O.Rodchenko, O.Ekster, O. Bogomazov, D.Burlyuk, K.Malevich, El.Lysytsky, V.Tatlin, O.Arhipenko, V.Palmov, M.Boychuk, Z.Rybak, K.Yeleva, V.Meller, F.Nirod, V.Ermilov, B.Kosarev, B.Erdman and others. 

Some of the pictures are published for the first time.
It is a very good manual for collectors of the Ukrainian and Russian avant-garde painting.

200 pages, 150 color illustrations
Hardcover, large format 31x25 cm (12 ½ x 9 ½ inch)
Text in Ukrainian
Publication year: 2007