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Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe 9781784873714 (Paperback, 2018)


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Product details

Language of text:
9781784873714, 978-1784873714
Tom Wolfe
Vintage Publishing
Vintage Classics
Vintage Publishing
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
132mm (w) x 199mm (h) x 28mm (d)


The Right Stuff is the best, the funniest, and the most vivid book ever written about America's manned space program A wonderful novel and perfect book club choice, The Right Stuff is a wildly vivid and entertaining chronicle of America's early space programme. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY US ASTRONAUT SCOTT KELLY 'What is it,' asks Tom Wolfe, 'that makes a man willing to sit on top of an enormous Roman Candle...and wait for someone to light the fuse?' Arrogance? Stupidity? Courage? Or, simply, that quality we call 'the right stuff'? A monument to the men who battled to beat the Russians into space, The Right Stuff is a voyage into the mythology of the American space programme, and a dizzying dive into the sweat, fear, beauty and danger of being on the white-hot edge of history in the making. 'Tom Wolfe at his very best... Learned, cheeky, risky, touching, tough, compassionate, nostalgic, worshipful, jingoistic...The Right Stuff is superb' New York Times Book Review

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Right Stuff by Tom Wolfe 9781784873714 (Paperback, 2018)

UK delivery is within 4 to 6 working days.
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Product details
Language of text:English
Isbn-13:9781784873714, 978-1784873714
Author:Tom Wolfe
Publisher:Vintage Publishing
Series:Vintage Classics
Imprint:Vintage Publishing
Publication date:2018-06-07
Product dimensions:132mm (w) x 199mm (h) x 28mm (d)

The Right Stuff is the best, the funniest, and the most vivid book ever written about America's manned space program A wonderful novel and perfect book club choice, The Right Stuff is a wildly vivid and entertaining chronicle of America's early space programme. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY US ASTRONAUT SCOTT KELLY 'What is it,' asks Tom Wolfe, 'that makes a man willing to sit on top of an enormous Roman Candle...and wait for someone to light the fuse?' Arrogance? Stupidity? Courage? Or, simply, that quality we call 'the right stuff'? A monument to the men who battled to beat the Russians into space, The Right Stuff is a voyage into the mythology of the American space programme, and a dizzying dive into the sweat, fear, beauty and danger of being on the white-hot edge of history in the making. 'Tom Wolfe at his very best... Learned, cheeky, risky, touching, tough, compassionate, nostalgic, worshipful, jingoistic...The Right Stuff is superb' New York Times Book Review
About Wordery
Wordery is one of the UK's largest online booksellers. With millions of satisfied customers who enjoy low prices on a huge range of books, we offer a reliable and trusted service and consistently receive excellent feedback.We offer a huge range of over 8 million books; bestsellers, children's books, cheap paperbacks, baby books, special edition hardbacks, and textbooks. All our books are dispatched from the UK. Wordery offers Free Delivery on all UK orders, and competitively priced international delivery.#HappyReading