“Dictionnaire Pittoresque d’Histoire Naturelle“


no reserve


 Guerin Plate #435

Cavernes à Ossements
Caves, Fissurings, Eluviations

This original antique handcolored engraving is taken from the rare
first french edition of Guerins „Dictionnaire Pittoresque d’Histoire Naturelle et des
Phénomènes de la Nature“ (Picturesque Dictionairy of Natural History and natural Phenomena),
published by „Bureau de Souscription, Rue Saint-Germain-des-Prés, n°4“ and printed
by „Imprimerie de Cosson, Rue Saint-Germain-des-Prés, n°4“ in Paris, 1834.

Felix Edouard Guerin-Meneville (1799-1874) was a natural history scientist, specializing in entomology.
He published several volumes of his "Picturesque Dictionary of Natural History" in the spirit of the "19th Century
Collector's Cabinets" in their wide-ranging investigations of natural phenomena and interest in exotic or unknown
species. The highly decorative plates of his work are vividly hand colored engravings which are an eclectic
collection of curious and wonderful images of birds, fish, insects, flowers and people. Each print is a masterpiece of
composition, often with a mélange of different creatures and plants artfully arranged on the same plate.
The plates are mostly signed by Adolphe Fries, Pfitzer, Acarie-Baron, Pedretti, Aries and Dumenil.
Apart from his work as a publisher Guerin-Meneville identified certain species of beetles that are named after him.
His historically important collectors cabinet of Crustacea is now in the collection of the Invertebrates Department at the
Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia.

approx. 7'' x 11''/18 cm x 28,5 cm

The plate is in excellent condition (see scan), and the hand coloring  is very bright and intense.
Please review the scan carefully as it is very accurate.

All my prints are ORIGINAL ANTIQUES - this delivery is accompanied by a copy of the title.
There is no descriptive text available, as these prints were bound again later separately from the text.


Each of my prints is placed between white foam boards in solid carton.
My environment is smoke-free.


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