Chattanooga, TENNESSEE - Hotel Patten - HP Logo: This hotel was built in 1908. Because the building was the first skyscraper hotel for Chattanooga, the event was considered a watershed moment in the city’s history. President William Howard Taft attended a banquet there in 1911, and Warren G. Harding held a reception there during his successful 1920 run for the presidency. In contrast to many presidential receptions held today that are open only to those with deep pocketbooks, the Harding event was open to everyone. John F. Kennedy also addressed the Rotary Club of Chattanooga there in 1953 shortly after he began serving as a senator from Massachusetts. A number of other well-known Americans have also stayed there. Teamsters Union leader Jimmy Hoffa did during his famous 1964 trial at the nearby Federal Building, as did evangelist Billy Graham during his famous 1953 crusade at the Warner Park Fieldhouse. This Divided Back Era (1907-15) postcard shows the hotel's well-appointed façade. There also people in period dress and period automobiles on the street. The card is in good condition. No. 14320.