The Book of the IVATT CLASS 2  2-6-0s

As the LMS Press Release explained at the time, the newest LMS 2-6-0s, though of small size and light weight, incorporated ‘every modern development which has been found successful on the larger main line types.’ They had self-cleaning smokeboxes, manganese steel axlebox liners, rocking grates and hopper ashpans. Externally, the high running plate and outside cylinders contrasted with the rather ancient looking large diameter chimney. The tender cab and inset tanks were designed for tender-first operation.

The Class 2 moguls and the contemporaneous Class 2 2-6-2Ts were amongst the last new LMS designs and although intended for secondary duties, they incorporated (just like the Press Release said!) all of the refinements developed over the previous decade and honed by Ivatt on his post-war Black Fives. The two classes were designed together, sharing as many components as possible, using the same boiler, and they were very much complementary.

The Book of the Ivatt Class 2 2-6-0s as you’d expect follows the series customary format; detailed essay as to provenance, development, historical content, tables of works histories and allocations, photographs of every loco.

360 pages, black & white photographs HARDBACK

RRP £29.95 our price is POST FREE WITHIN THE UK


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