Montreal, CANADA - Windsor Hotel - King George & Queens Elizabeth Banquet - 1939: The 1939 royal tour of Canada by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth was undertaken in the build-up to World War II as a way to emphasize the independence of the Dominion from Britain. The visit lasted from May 17 to June 15, covering every Canadian province, the Dominion of Newfoundland, and a few days in the United States. There had been previous royal tours of Canada, but this was unprecedented in its scope. The tour was an enormous event, attracting huge crowds at each new city. The king and queen arrived by ship in Quebec City and travelled west by rail, accompanied throughout their journey by Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King. The party visited most of the major cities, finally arriving in Vancouver. Then they travelled through the United States. The tour ended with a visit to the Maritimes and Newfoundland, departing from Halifax. It was one of the first visits of a reigning monarch to Canada. This Photochromatic postcard commemorating the 1939 event is in good condition.