The Weight Management & Total Body Flush Plan with Natural Colon Cleanser and Deep Intestinal Waste Extraction also offers healthy inch and weight loss benefits. It also assists in the loss of up to 30 pounds in 30 days! Each Weight Management & Flush Kit contains the following: (the 30 Day Plan) HydroProx 35 8% (4 oz.) Hydrogen Peroxide is naturally occurring in its highest concentration level, within that of rain water. The function of h2o2 is it kill harmful invaders, sanitize, provide oxygen, and is necessary for life to exist. The high levels of h2o2 in rain water do just that for all of life on earth. The FLABerator Powder Blend (90Servings): The perfect way to cleanse and promote proper digestive health! It breaks down the undigested food in the body, which can cause the body to slow down and feel sluggish. Including a dual action comprehensive formula of synergistic herbs, extracts and enzymes enhanced with an Ionic Trace Mineral Complex. Designed to cleanse and help bind and flush away build-up with undigested, decaying matter from the intestinal tract. Fat is converted to energy, appetite and cravings are reduced, and muscle tissue becomes lean and energized. Tonic-Klenz Daily Tonic (32 servings): A two-part system that enables the body to rid itself of harmful invaders, and promotes healthy and proper development and function. We supply you with the powdered nutrients and supplements and you provide the liquid ingredients needed to create this wonderfully balanced cleansing solution. With the Shaker Cup & Measuring Scoop, The Weight Management & Total Body Flush Kit includes the products you need to provide your body with the essential and non-essential nutrients it needs to function at optimal levels. This system covers each individual component of the body from head to toe, including organs, muscles, skin cells, blood cells, circulation, and each of the body systems effectively! Weight Management & Total Body Flush Plan (30 Day Plan): The Plan - This is what you do daily...Step 1 - (Optional) Oil Pulling for excessive metals: When you first wake up and/or before going to Sleep. Take 1 Tbsp. Sesame Oil, swish for 5 to 15 minutes, spit in toilet, rinse well with warm salt water, then brush your teeth! Step 2 - HydroProx 35 - 8% - Hydrating Detox & Cleansing Flush. Take on an empty stomach, 1 hour before and/or after meals or medication. Morning Dose - Add 1/4 tsp into 24 oz. of filtered water (option - add 1/2 tsp. Baking Soda and/or 1 Tbsp. Lemon juice)Additional 2 Doses - Add 1/8 tsp to 6 to 8 oz of water, as above. Step 3 - (Optional) VibraSlim or Rebounding Exercise for Lymphatic Detox & Metabolic Boost. Only 5 to 10 minutes, first thing in the morning, of these types of cardio exercise, will boost the metabolism, provide muscle tone and stimulate lymphatic drainage. Step 4 - The FLABerator - Attracts and binds up toxins, fats, dead parasites and decayed matter, then gently eliminates them from the body. Converts fats into energy and lean muscle mass. Exercise and proper eating greatly enhances fat metabolism and weight loss. In Shaker Cup, add 8 oz of filtered water (or 4 oz of Juice and 4 oz of water), then add 1 Scoop (Tbsp) of The FLABerator, shake well & drink promptly! Follow with an additional 8 oz of water. Take 3 times a day; about every 4 hours. Be sure to drink a total of 16 oz of water/juice with each serving. Step 5 - Tonic-Klenz - Neutralize and Alkalinize Disease causing Acidic Body Fluids. This helps to fight the mid-afternoon blahs! Drink 8 oz, between 2pm to 4 pm. Drink it by itself or mix with a serving of The FLABerator. Important: If you have irregular bowel movements, like only once a day or less OR if you have to strain at elimination OR if you are generally ill OR don't eat sufficient fiber, fruits and vegetables -- We recommend a Pre-Detox Day before beginning the program below: What to do - First thing in the Morning, dissolve 2 teaspoons of Epsom Salt in 24 ounces of room temperature filtered water and drink (you may add lemon juice for taste) OR drink a 10 oz bottle of Magnesium Citrate Solution. Eat only fruits & vegetables and drink an additional 8 glasses of Filtered water, 100% juices or green tea, throughout the day. Repeat the Epsom Salt or Citrate Solution before going to sleep. Then, the next day begin the full Weight Management & Body Flush program. **Liver Cleansing Foods - Avocado, Beets, Artichokes, Broccoli, Kale, Spinach, Carrot, Garlic, Grapefruit, Green Apples, Lemon, Lime, Green Tea & Walnuts and Extra Virgin Olive & Coconut Oils (Juicing these fruits & Veggies is very beneficial). During this Plan, be sure to: Weigh yourself after waking up and after your morning elimination. Keep a log of your daily progress. Try to fill up on Granny Smith APPLES and Celery (fat processing foods). Keep hydrated! Drink when and what the instructions state but, also DRINK 100% Juices, green tea and water all day long. Use The Alkalinize in your filtered water! ONLY EAT IF YOU HAVE TO - AND IF YOU DO, DO THE FOLLOWING: Avoid sugar, diet or regular sodas, coffee, alcohol, meat, dairy, fried foods or packaged and processed foods. Eat 80% Vegetables and 20% Fruits, raw and/or cooked. Avoid Junk Food snacking. When you eat, try to eat as healthy and little as possible during the Plan. This is What you should also Do Every Day of Your Life! For Greater Results, we ALWAYS recommend 5 to 10 minutes of aerobic exercise in the morning to jump start your metabolism. Rebounders or our VibraSlim EuroPlate Vibration Machine offer the fastest results for lymph detox, muscle toning, physical and mental alertness and weight loss! Other Considerations: Medicines - If you are required to eat, take any medication or any nutritional or dietary products - Take them in between the 3 to 4 hour breaks of taking The FLABerator. That means - 1 1/2 to 2 hours after taking The FLABerator, take those items that you would need to take. This will help in preventing any interference with what you are taking, with the detoxification benefits of The FLABerator. **Extremely Important - keep your body hydrated by drinking the required amount of Tonic, juice and water listed above. We suggest that you drink even more throughout the day. If your body does not get enough liquids, your colon can become dry and constipated, greatly diminishing the effectiveness of this Total Body Flush System. Toxins may re-absorb into your system causing you to experience headaches, nausea and/or sluggishness. IF this should happen - drink more un-filtered apple juice or eat an apple or a salad. DO NOT modify the program unless you are knowledgeable about your body and detoxification. NOTE: A soft bowel movement is just that, a movement that is soft, but it's still formed. It should come out easily and without effort. Your movements should NOT be loose and watery, like diarrhea. One movement of diarrhea, followed by soft movements, however, is OK. If, at some point, you find you have developed diarrhea, then decrease your dosage by half, that evening, and the next day should be perfect for you. Alternate Plan - If you DON'T want to follow the above Plan and don't mind moving a little slower and taking a few more days to complete your Weight Loss & Total Body Detox goal, do the following: Take The FLABerator as often as you are able and eat as little as possible, such as salads, fruits and vegetables, until you have used all of your Kit products. You MUST take The FLABerator, at least TWICE each day. You may not lose weight as rapidly, but you should still experience favorable results.