This is a printed copy of a used handwritten diary of a 14/15 year old girl, Dina Lily, who was in high school in 2009-2010 as a freshman. Entries begin at 12/26/2009 and end at 10/27/2010, and there are 135 pages of entries. Topics include mostly boy drama, self-love, hanging out at the mall, trying to fit in with friends, and normal everyday life. She writes a lot about the boys she has crushes on and kissing different guys. She also writes about her struggles with being shy. 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! 

Note: Some names are changed in the diary to protect people's privacy.
Note: This is not the original diary; it is a printed copy of the original diary. 

Buy ALL of my diaries here

2006-2007 Diary of 11/12 year old Dina Lily 
2008 Diary of 12/13 year old Dina Lily
2009-2010 Diary of 14/15 year old Dina Lily 
2011-2012 (Coming Soon)
2013 Diary of 17/18 year old Dina Lily
2014 Diary of 18/19 year old Dina Lily
2015 Diary of 19/20 year old Dina Lily
2016 Diary of 20/21 year old Dina Lily
2017 Diary of 21/22 year old Dina Lily
2018 Diary of 22/23 year old Dina Lily
2018-2019 Diary of 23 year old Dina Lily
2019 Diary of 24 year old Dina Lily
2020 (Coming Soon)