~Daughters of Rebekah~

This bracelet is beautiful.  This anklet is beautiful. :)

Yep, not sure which one it is... but it's 9in. long.  So if you have a big wrist or a normal ankle, this would work for you.  Otherwise give it to a friend. :)

The stones are lavender and green...it's awesome to look at.  It is either gold plated or electroplate.  GORGEOUS.  Not sure.  This is vintage and yet, unused.  Sitting in a box for 50+ years, from Clark & Coombs, Providence, R.I., perfect condition in the box.  Add this to your fraternal collection.

Enjoy ! 

Check out my other Masonic, Rebekah, Eastern Star, Shriners & Rainbow Girls items.

Ship together with other items for $.50. Good Luck and Happy Bidding !
Email with questions BEFORE auction ends. Items are described as seen and sold that way. 

The beehive, a representation of cooperative industry teaching the advantages of united efforts in all the ministries of the order.
The moon and seven stars represents the never failing order which pervades the universe of God and all of nature, and suggest to the members the value of system, regularity and precision in all worthy undertakings.
The dove, a universally recognized emblem of peace, has this significance in the Rebekah Degree. Through the mission of love and charity, of tolerance and forbearance, Rebekahs are to strive to bring happiness to others and to promote “Peace on earth and good will to men.”
The lily, long regarded as the emblem of purity, is a symbol of the purity of character, of thought, of word, and of action which are aspired to in the hearts and lives of members of the Rebekah Lodge.