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Witch Hat Atelier 7 by Kamone Shirahama 9781646510788 (Paperback, 2021)


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Product details

Language of text:
9781646510788, 978-1646510788
Kamone Shirahama
Kodansha America, Inc
Witch Hat Atelier
Kodansha Comics
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
147mm (w) x 314mm (h) x 17mm (d)


A beautifully-illustrated story about a girl who longs for magic in her life and learns that, on the inside, she already is what she wishes she could be. Reminiscent of Studio Ghibli, this lushly-drawn story was voted one of the top 10 manga of the year in 2018 by the Japanese manga industry. THE PRICE OF KNOWLEDGE As the new trial comes to an end, one of Coco's rewards from Beldaruit the Wise is the story of Qifrey's past and how he came to desire the mysteries of magic. Feeling a connection with her own desire to save her mother, Coco departs for the source of all answers: the Tower of Tomes. But it is a perilous journey to make on her own, and the secrets held within could sway even the most virtuous of witches...

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Witch Hat Atelier 7 by Kamone Shirahama 9781646510788 (Paperback, 2021)

UK delivery is within 4 to 6 working days.
International delivery varies by country, please see the Wordery store help page for details.

Product details
Language of text:English
Isbn-13:9781646510788, 978-1646510788
Author:Kamone Shirahama
Publisher:Kodansha America, Inc
Series:Witch Hat Atelier
Imprint:Kodansha Comics
Publication date:2021-02-02
Product dimensions:147mm (w) x 314mm (h) x 17mm (d)

A beautifully-illustrated story about a girl who longs for magic in her life and learns that, on the inside, she already is what she wishes she could be. Reminiscent of Studio Ghibli, this lushly-drawn story was voted one of the top 10 manga of the year in 2018 by the Japanese manga industry. THE PRICE OF KNOWLEDGE As the new trial comes to an end, one of Coco's rewards from Beldaruit the Wise is the story of Qifrey's past and how he came to desire the mysteries of magic. Feeling a connection with her own desire to save her mother, Coco departs for the source of all answers: the Tower of Tomes. But it is a perilous journey to make on her own, and the secrets held within could sway even the most virtuous of witches...
About Wordery
Wordery is one of the UK's largest online booksellers. With millions of satisfied customers who enjoy low prices on a huge range of books, we offer a reliable and trusted service and consistently receive excellent feedback.We offer a huge range of over 8 million books; bestsellers, children's books, cheap paperbacks, baby books, special edition hardbacks, and textbooks. All our books are dispatched from the UK. Wordery offers Free Delivery on all UK orders, and competitively priced international delivery.#HappyReading