1557 1ed Witekind Lives Caesars Suda Byzantine ROME Latin Melanchthon Wittenberg


Little is known of Hermann Witekind other than that he studied with Melanchthon in Wittenberg. At the suggestion of Melanchthon, Witekind set to translating the Greek encyclopedia, the ‘Suda’. This work, attributed to an author named Soudas, covers the lives of important Roman and Byzantine rulers. According to Knight, this encyclopedia was

“the most important Greek lexicon or encyclopedia – one of the most valuable documents of Greek philology, grammar, and literary history.”


Item number: #7924

Price: $950




Vitae Caesarum, quot & quemadmodum apud Suidam iuveniuntur: adiecta sunt Graeca in gratiam studiosorum eius linguae


Francofurti: Brubach, 1557. First edition.



·       Collation: Complete with all pages

o   97, [5]

·         References: USTC 701518; VD16 S 10115; Kevin Knight, New Advent ‘Suidas’;

·       Language: Latin 

·       Binding: Leather; tight & secure

·       Size: ~6.25in X 4in (16cm x 10cm)


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