Charming narrated Oscar Wilde fairy tale of THE SELFISH GIANT.  Delightful animation made in black and white runs around 14 mins.  Excellent quality print with very good picture and sound.

THE SELFISH GIANT by Oscar Wilde, ill. by Gertraud & Walter Reiner Themes: Fairy Tales, Seasons Grade Level: K-2 Running Time: 14 minutes, animated, B&W SUMMARY This is the story of a giant who returns to his home after many years to discover that children have been using his garden to play in. This upsets the giant, who erects a wall to keep the children out. The cold winter refuses to give in to the brilliance of spring without the children. One day, the giant notices sunshine coming in through his window. He discovers that children have crawled through a hole in the wall, entered the garden and climbed into the trees, making them blossom. In the farthest corner of the garden, the giant notices one little boy who is crying because he cannot climb up into a tree. The giant helps the boy up and discovers that his life is much more pleasant this way. The children once again enjoy the garden and springtime fills the giant’s yard. The story ends with the passing of the elderly giant, who lies under a tree in his garden covered with blossoms.

All films listed are part of a current prolific film producer`s library