THE TOWN OF SHECHEM, NAPLOUS - Under Mount Gerizum, looking South

Artist: Capt. FITZMAURICE ________ Engraver: UNKNOWN

Note: the title in the table above is printed below the engraving



SHECHEM,SICHEM, or SYCHAR, as it is variously called in the Scriptures, was one of the oldest cities in Palestine. It was a city in Jacob's time (Gen. xxxiii. 18.), if not in the time of Abraham. (Gen. xii. 6.) When Jacob returned from Mesopotamia, it was in the possession of Hamor, a Hivite prince. (Gen. xxxiii. 19. xxxiv. 2.) On the division of the land among the tribes, this city fell to Ephraim (Josh. xxi. 21.), but it was appropriated to the Levites. Here Joshua assembled the people before his death, aiyi renewed' the covenant between them and Jehovah. (Josh. xxiv.) After the death of Gideon, Shechem became a seat of idolatrous worship, the people worshipping Baal-berith there. (Judg. viii. 33. ix. 4. 46.) The people of Shechem resisted the usurpation of Abimelech, who therefore brought an army against it, and " took the city, and slew the people that was therein, and beat down the city, and sowed it with salt." (Judg. ix. 4;5.) Subsequently, however, it was rebuilt, for it is mentioned by David in Psalm Ix. 6. Hither, on the death of Solomon, all Israel came to make Rehoboam king (I Kings xii. 1.), and, on his non-compliance with their demands, ten tribes elected Jeroboam 1. for their sovereign, who chose Shechem for his residence, and built [that is, rebuilt] and adorned it (25.).

On the return of the Jews from the Babylonish captivity, the mixed race who inhabited Samaria were desirous of assisting in the erection, and of participating in the privileges, of the temple at Jerusalem, but were refused. They therefore built a temple for themselves, on Mount Gerizirn, where, under the direction of Manasseh, a Jewish priest, they worshipped in strict observance of the law of Moses. This temple stood two hundred years, and was finally destroyed B. c. 129. In Johniv. 5. Shechem is called Sy char: by the tomans it was called FlaviaNeapolis, in honour of the emperor Flavius Vespasian : its modern appellation is Napolose, which the Arabs have corrupted into Nablous, or Naplous. Napolose, or Sichem, is romantically situated in a deep valley, between the mountains of Ebal on the left, andGerizirn on the right: our view (which has never before been engraved) is taken, looking from Gerizirn towards Ebal. There is a kind of sublime horror in the lofty, craggy, and barren aspect of these two mountains, which seem to face each other with an air of defiance; especially as they stand contrasted with the rich valley beneath, where the city appears to be embedded on either side in green gardens and extensive olive-grounds, rendered more verdant by the lengthened period of shade which they enjoy from the mountains on each side. Along the valley, in which Sichem stands, Dr. Clarke beheld" a company of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead," as in the days of Reuben and Judah, "with their camels bearing spices, and balm and myrrh," who would gladly have purchased another Joseph of his brethren, and conveyed him as a slave to some Potiphar in Egypt. (Gen. xxxvii. 25. 36.) Upon the surrounding hills flocks and herds were feeding as of old (IS.), nor in the simple garb of the shepherds was there any thing to contradict the notions we may entertain of the appearance formerly exhibited by the sons of Jacob.

In the vicinity of Sichem travellers are still directed to the sepulchres, in which the remains of Joseph, of Eleazar the high priest, and of Joshua, are said to have been severally deposited. (Josh. xxiv. 29, 30. 32) 33.) But the principal object of veneration, among the inhabitants, is JACOB'S WELL (John iv. 56.); so called, because it was

SIZE: Image size in inches is 4" x 6", overall page size is 6" x 9".

CONDITION: Condition is good. Nothing on reverse. Quality rag stock paper.

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