AIAA  and NASA, Cocoa Beach, Florida, a bound collection of documents assembled for a 1963 conference at the University of Connecticut for the 6th Missile Institute. approximately 250 pages, several separate papers covering a range of launch related topics.It covers not only the then current Mercury program but anticipates the Apollo program and the moon landing. Reports include those shown in photos, plus Checkout of Mercury Atlas Launch Vehicles,SaturnV/Apollo Launch Operations Plan,Digital Data System For Automatic Checkout of Spacecraft, Testing of Future Space Vehicles in Ground Test Facilities, System Checkout and Flight Testing of Unmanned Lunar and Planetary Spacecraft, and The Orbiting Geophysical Observatory Test and Support Program. Illustrated throughout with rare photos, concept drawings, diagrams and more. Approximately 250 pages. This set was apparently put together by Robert E. Moser, a Space program veteran. Moser worked with the Army Ballistic Missile Agency on Redstone missiles and served as test conductor for the launches of Explorer I, the first U.S. satellite; Pioneer, the first lunar probe; and Freedom 7, the first manned flight with Alan Shepherd.