If you’re wondering where these 30MM model kits came from and what they’re all about, look no further!

If you’re wondering where these 30MM model kits came from and what they’re all about, look no further! Bandai has broken into the non-Gundam robot model kit scene and they’re doing it in typical Bandai fashion—with an emphasis on easy intuitive builds and high levels of post-completion customization potential! We’ll update this post with new information and release information as products are announced, but for now, here’s a full breakdown:

The Lore:

Because it’s very expensive to produce anime and get it in front of international viewers, Bandai passed that over and wrote some lore Bungie-style. Long story short, an interdimensional portal appeared in space and wouldn’t you know it, aliens started attacking Earth. (Of course, the aliens looked like Earthlings so they used equipment very similar in nature, which is convenient. Let’s just roll with it.)

Earth fought back using the EXAMAC machines they designed, the Alto and Rabiot, against the Byron army’s Portanova and Cielnova machines. Of course the landscape of battle is ever-changing, so the machines had to be heavily customizable in nature.

Enter the model kits!

So those two paragraphs are literally all you need to know to justify the existence and style of these model kits. For starters, these kits are… for starters! The layout of the runners is so intuitive that you could probably build it without using the instruction manual. Just look at how the runners are laid out.