Universal 9.5 mm SATA to SATA 2nd SSD HDD Hard Drive Caddy for Dell HP Lenovo
Suit for Laptop with a 9.5mm thick DVD-ROM.
The 2nd Hard Disk Drive Optical bay Caddy/Adapter to bring you maximum data storage flexibility. With the second HDD/SSD in your Laptop to swap optical drive.
You can speed to backup important applications and critical data (Simply remove your CD-ROM drive and put the Caddy (with the added hard drive) in its place.
The build-in lock screws make it easy to mount your second hard drive in the caddy.
The caddy is built from aluminum which makes it light, sturdy and provides cooling for the hard drive.
The inside of the caddy has a plastic holder to absorb noise and vibrations from a 2nd HDD/SSD.
Updated SATA board included fix for shutdown problem with 2nd HDD/SSD.
Replacement Part Third-party factory produce. Good working adapter and Guaranteed.
1. Plug and Play
2. Fast and Reliable connection in your laptop, just as the primary HDD.
3. Fully integrated into your laptop, no cables/PSU/software driver needed.
4. Dual Boot, Support Installation of the 2nd operating system on the 2nd HDD and boot selection.
Kompatibel mit:
Almost every model for laptop as long as the interface is SATA and the thickness is 9.5mm
1 x 2nd SATA HDD universal caddy
1 x face plate
4 x Fixing Screws(pluged in the caddy)
1 x Screw driver

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Am 27.05.2024 hat der Verkäufer die folgenden Angaben hinzugefügt:
