Superb and rare meeting of Royal Edicts relating essentially  on gold, silver, goldsmithery, coins and hallmarks.

More than 30 period pieces, here is the list: 

Declaration of the King for adjust the weight & quality of Gold & Silver tableware 1672

Judgment of the Council of State bearing payment for Cree Gold Species & other gold materials, which will be brought to the Hotels des Monoyes. 1686

Declaration du Roy, carrying prohibitions to manufacture the parts of goldsmithery, which are mentioned therein. 1687

Judgment of the King's Council of State, which  extends until last next August day the price of old and new species and the price of tableware and materials on the foot brought by the judgment of May 20, 1692

Judgment of the King's Council of State, which  extends until last april  next the price of gold and silver species  on the foot brought by the judgments of December 27 and February 24  1693

Edict of the king creating Offices of controllers of the mark of gold and silver works 1696

Edict of the King creating for each of the corps & community of arts and crafts, both in the towns and suburbs of Paris and in all the other towns and walled towns of the  Kingdom of a treasurer receiving and paying their common funds 1701

Judgment of the Council d'Estat du Roy Which allows Mr Guillaume Le Vineux of Establishment of Spices Receivers 1691

Edict of Roy creating two letters of Master's degree in each Arts and Crafts and an Office of Keeping the Archives in each of the Communities of Officers ... 1709

Declaration of the King bringing together the Community of Arts and Crafts of Charges of Controllers of the initials of the registers, curators of the Stallions & guards of the A archives 1709

Declaration of the King which brings together the Corps &Community of the Arts & Professions the Offices of Clerks, create for the Registration of Apprenticeship Patents. 1705

Edict of Roy bearing creation of the Offices of Weights & Measures Inspectors-Visitors...1704

Arrest of the Court of Monnoyes 1716

Declaration du Roy who pronounces afflictive sentences against the Billonneurs 1716

Judgment of the Chamber of Justice bearing prohibits Goldsmiths, lapidaries & others from buying any Tableware or Materials of Gold.. 1716

Edit du Roy abolishing the ten Offices of Inspectors of goldsmith works for the city of Paris  1718

Board stop d'Etat du Roy which orders that the old Species of Gold will remain decried on the first day of next September... 1718

Judgment of the Council of State of the Roy who orders a dimension on the new Species and the matters of Gold and Silver. 1719

Board stop of state. of the King who orders the execution of the Declaration of February 18, 1720, concerning the Vaisselles d'Or et d'Argent works. 1720

Board stop of state du Roy bearing tusks to all Goldsmiths & other persons, of cast any Materials of Gold & Silver in Bars or Ingots.. 1723

Judgment of the Council of State of the King which regulates the manner of fixing the Title of the Ingots ... 1723

Board stop of State of the King who orders that the Species to be reformed, & the Materials of Gold & Silver to be converted....1723

Edict of Roy abolishing Offices of Assayers & de Inspectors of goldsmith works  1713

Letters patent from the King ordering that from January 1, 1787, the Affinages de Paris will be governed on behalf of his Majesty... 1786

Judgment of the Cour des Monnoies, which orders the Execution of Ordinances, Edicts, Declarations Judgments, ..... concerning the manufacture & trade of Gold and Silver Materials. 1786

Judgment of the Cour des Monnoies, bearing regulation General for Trade in Gold and Silver Materials & Merchandise. 1787

Decision of the King's Council of State Laying down Regulations between the officers of the masters for the deliverances to be made to the communities .... 1786

Ruling of the Court of Aids, concerning the right of trademark & Control on the works of Gold and Silver. 1786

Order of the King's Council of State which prescribes the formalities to be fulfilled, not only by the Master of the communities .... 1787 (goldsmithery)

Judgment of the Court of Parliament which homologates an Order issued by the police officers of the Châtelet  1788. (goldsmith)

Order of the King's Council of State abolishing the Deliberations & Protests of the Courts & Other Bodies 1788. (goldsmith) 

Law relating to Jurandes and masterships 1791