I'm selling over 600 + kinds of seeds ( and also live plants during the warmer months ) so check my other auctions . 

You are bidding on about 20 CATS CLAW CREEPER SEEDS - Dolichandra unguis-cati .

Common names : Cat's claw climber, cat's-claw creeper, cat's-claw vine, catclaw trumpet, catclaw creeper, funnel creeper, macfadyena, yellow trumpet vine

The exotic vine (formerly Macfadyena unguis-cati) is a woody, evergreen creeper and can become invasive .


A long-lived (perennial) woody climber (liana) or creeper that is very rampant and can reach up to 30 m in height. It also develops an extensive, tuberous root system. This climber invades forest margins, woodlands, plantations, roadsides and urban open spaces .

The bright yellow flowers appear from September to February and are trumpet-shaped, occurring in clusters of two or three, sometimes solitary. The showy flowers coupled with its climbing habit made the fast-growing creeper ideal as a hedging plant or natural screen for unsightly walls and buildings. The plants' ability to 'climb' is facilitated by its distinctive leaves which consist of two leaflets and a modified three-forked tendril. Each tendril is tipped with a tiny hardened hook which can attach to most surfaces enabling the vine to grow up walls, tree trunks and over other vegetation. It is these tendrils that resemble claws and the feature from which the plant draws its name.

The fruit (15-50 cm long and 8-12 mm wide) are initially glossy green in appearance, but turn dark-brown as they mature. They are very elongated (linear), flattened, strap-like capsules (they are not pods). Each fruit contains numerous papery seeds (10-40 mm long and 4-10 mm wide). These oblong seeds have two see-through (translucent) wings that are not easily separated from the rest of the seed.

Native to tropical America.

See my store for 600+ seeds , live plants ( during the warmer months ) and over 300+ books on plants and gardening  . I add new items every day and combine shipping whenever possible .