Tamarind indica

Siyambala, also known as Tamarind Indica by its botanical name, is mentioned in Ayurveda as a very nutritious food. Siyambala can be added to food as a spice as well as a fruit.

What you do not know about Siyambala

Nutritional value of 100 g of Siyambala

About twelve percent of the energy needed per day can be obtained. Energy is 239 kcal. Forty percent of the daily requirement of carbohydrates can be obtained from siyambala. Accordingly, 62.5 grams of carbohydrates. 2.80 grams of protein. It is five percent of the daily requirement. It has no cholesterol and 5.1 grams of fiber. 14 micro micrograms of folate. Niacin 1.93 mg. Vitamin A as well as Vitamin C is 2.8 mg.In addition, siyambala contains many nutrients such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and minerals.

The fibers present in the siyambala help the flower to expel well. This eliminates constipation. These fibers bind to food toxins in the body and also help protect the inside of the large intestine. These fibers bind well to salts and reduce the reabsorption of bile by the large intestine. Siyambala is a very effective medicine to prevent colon cancer. The volatile chemical constituents present in siyambala provide much relief. Aha

Siyambala is also very good for diabetics. Siyambala reduces the increase in blood sugar immediately after eating. When bitten by various insects, it can be used as an antidote to powdery mildew. Give it a sip at that point.

Siyambala as well as Siyambala seeds have amazing properties. In case of burns, it is possible to cure burns very quickly by crushing and applying siyambala seeds

Siyambala can also be described as a very effective medicine for alcohol addicts. Siyambala acts as an antidote to toxins in the body

Siyambala flowers are also very good as a condiment and Siyambalas can be mixed with a little ginger and drunk. It is very beneficial to apply the medicine with the juice of the leaves of Siyambala for the swelling that occurs in the limbs of the arthritis patients. Siyambala also has the property of purifying the impure blood in the body. Siyambala leaf decoction is very beneficial in non-curable worm diseases of children and Siyambala is also a very beneficial fruit and medicine for hemorrhoids patients.