Superb Robot Recorder 24 With Schneider Tele-Xenar 135mm 1.4 Lens coupled with a USSR made turret viewfinder rangefinder

I won’t say too much because if you’re a collector you know what you’re looking at but in a nutshell these cameras were built for abuse and are bomb proof and now uber rare, there’s one in the leitz museum, it’s in perfect working condition and produces the most detailed razor sharp images I’ve ever seen and I’ve had 2 Leica M6 cameras and the pride of my collection but sadly my circumstances have changed and I’m selling my entire collection over the next few weeks so please pop back for some gems and some bargains, there is a brief description of the camera in the last photo, I have 2 of these listed, they were bought by the MOD and delivered to RAF Aldergrove and then issued to 14th intelligence company and then came to me, the camera body is made entirely from stainless steel with the bottom and top plates made from cast stainless steel so they tip the scales at over a kilo, I can’t emphasise enough how tough these cameras are,any questions just ask