To follow on ebay...
at auction and in my shop "AmidesLivres"
a Very important set of books (some with dedications) of Science fiction, Fantasy, 
detective literature, Various magazines ancient or recent, Poetry, Literature,  
from the Publishers Library 
Helen and Pierre-Jean 

With of course a very large number of titles from the various collections of the "Neo" editions, 
including the rarest...

Pierre-Jean Oswald
Pierre-Jean Oswald, born September 25, 1931 and died September 28, 2000 in Paris, was a French publisher. 
He notably publishes novels and theatrical and poetic works, most often on his own account. 
He defends the authors and the subjects less highlighted, especially after the movements 
revolt of May 1968.

 In the early 1950s, Pierre-Jean Oswald became a publisher and “discoverer”, based in Honfleur then Paris. 
He then devoted himself to a collection of poetry in pocket format to promote poets like Franck Venaille or the Breton Paol Keineg.

In 1957, he published Les Poètes de la Révolution algérienne. From 1960, he edited the magazine poetic action.  
In 1977, forced into bankruptcy, he had to suspend his activity, which left 300 authors without a publisher.

In the 1980s, with the help of his wife Hélène (1929-2017), he resumed his activity as a publisher and discoverer of little-known texts, with the creation of Nouvelles Éditions Oswald (Néo), specializing in popular literature, 
mainly the science fiction and fantasy but also the detective novel.

Both have done a remarkable job of publicizing and publishing very important foreign authors.
in the domain of the fantastic, which until then 
were unknown in France (especially Clark Ashton Smith).

It also publishes the integral of Sherlock Holmes and Harry Dickson. 
Ten years later, he launched the editions of the Eighth Art, devoted to cult television series.

He finished his publishing career at Editions des Belles Lettres

NEO COLLECTION - Editions du Cherche-Midi

Directed by Hélène OSWALD

The NéO collection published by Cherche Midi is the last to have been directed by Hélène Oswald.

This collection proposes to continue the publishing work carried out by Pierre Jean and Hélène Oswald within the NéO editions from 1978 to 1991 with the collections "Le Miroir obscur", and "Fantastique/Science-Fiction/Aventure", 
continued at Editions Les Belles Lettres from 1997 to 2003 with their collections 
"The Black Cabinet/Pocket" and "The Great Black Cabinet"

Like its predecessors, the NéO collection publishes writers working in all "bad genres": 
Roman noir, thriller, horror, fantasy, science fiction, with a predilection for the "unclassifiable" genre 
and non-standard authors...


 Unless I'm mistaken...31 titles have been published in total

We will offer almost all the titles of this collection in our ebay shop

All volumes of this collection sold in my ebay store are in first draw
almost in new condition

Born in 1946
 Graham Masterton, born January 16, 1946 in Edinburgh, is a Scottish author. 
He is best known for his horror novels.

After his debut in journalism, he turned to fantasy literature and achieved success in 1975. 
with his first novel, Manitou, written in just a week and made into a movie starring Tony Curtis in the lead role. Graham Masterton now lives in Ireland, near Cork, where he continues to write the adventures of Jim Rook, a friendly but strange teacher who often witnesses supernatural phenomena among his students. He has also written numerous manuals on sexuality (How to be a perfect lover?): he was originally editor of the magazine for adults MayFair and the UK edition of Penthouse.


Rare title!

Evil Genius


Publication date: February 2006
Number of pages: 503
Cover: Marc Bruckert / Jean-Claude CLAEYS

Original title: Kingdom of the blind, 1998

Translation by François TRUCHAUD

Fourth cover   
     The JEUNE Mickey Frazier, dishwasher in a restaurant and rock musician in his spare time, is far from suspecting the consequences of his act when he rescues an elderly man, victim of an attempted kidnapping.
     This one, a certain Dr. Lügner, knows he is threatened by men determined to kill him. He sends Mickey a tape containing instructions, with the promise that if he follows them, it will change his life completely. For better or for worse... A fast-paced psychological thriller, where the action, often violent, is tempered by a subtle blend of humor and eroticism, with a haunting question: what if everyone became a genius? Wouldn't this eternal dream become a nightmare?

“NeO” collection - Editions du Cherche Midi
directed by Hélène Oswald.


Text in French


1st draw 
(no large papers)

First Printing

 In-8 format, (22x14cm), color illustrated cover 

(Good general condition, clean, 
usual marks or rubbing 
various miners in cover, almost new

see visuals...

Very thin paper. yellowed as always,
very good interior condition, 
clean, without inscriptions or annotations.

 Nice copy...


As always, combined shipping costs in the event of the purchase of several books...

   photo P1520038_zpsrhadt3kl.jpg  photo P1520039_zpsa90rjkj6.jpg  photo P1520040_zpscelkyxvl.jpg  photo P1520041_zps7i1ahga3.jpg  photo P1520043_zpslldyucxf.jpg  photo P1520044_zpsktdjoita.jpg
with his first novel, Manitou, written in just a week and made into a movie starring Tony Curtis in the lead role. Graham Masterton now lives in Ireland, near Cork, where he continues to write the adventures of Jim Rook, a friendly but strange teacher who often witnesses supernatural phenomena among his students. He has also written numerous manuals on sexuality (How to be a perfect lover?): he was originally editor of the magazine for adults MayFair and the UK edition of Penthouse.      This one, a certain Dr. Lügner, knows he is threatened by men determined to kill him. He sends Mickey a tape containing instructions, with the promise that if he follows them, it will change his life completely. For better or for worse... A fast-paced psychological thriller, where the action, often violent