To follow on ebay...
at auction and in my shop "AmidesLivres"
Very important set of books (some with dedications) of Science fiction, Fantasy, 
detective literature, Various magazines ancient or recent, Poetry, Literature,  
from the Publishers Library 
Helen and Pierre-Jean 

With of course a very large number of titles from the various collections of the "Neo" editions, 
including the rarest...

Pierre-Jean Oswald
Pierre-Jean Oswald, born September 25, 1931 and died September 28, 2000 in Paris, was a French publisher. 
He notably publishes novels and theatrical and poetic works, most often on his own account. 
He defends the authors and the subjects less highlighted, especially after the movements 
revolt of May 1968.

 In the early 1950s, Pierre-Jean Oswald became a publisher and “discoverer”, based in Honfleur then Paris. 
He then devoted himself to a collection of poetry in pocket format to promote poets like Franck Venaille or the Breton Paol Keineg.

In 1957, he published Les Poètes de la Révolution algérienne. From 1960, he edited the magazine poetic action.  
In 1977, forced into bankruptcy, he had to suspend his activity, which left 300 authors without a publisher.

In the 1980s, with the help of his wife Hélène (1929-2017), he resumed his activity as a publisher and discoverer of little-known texts, with the creation of Nouvelles Éditions Oswald (Néo), specializing in popular literature, 
mainly the science fiction and fantasy but also the detective novel.

Both have done a remarkable job of publicizing and publishing very important foreign authors.
in the domain of the fantastic, which until then 
were unknown in France (especially Clark Ashton Smith).

It also publishes the integral of Sherlock Holmes and Harry Dickson. 
Ten years later, he launched the editions of the Eighth Art, devoted to cult television series.

He finished his publishing career at Editions des Belles Lettres

SF (2nd series, 1987-2017)
Publisher: POCKET BOOK
Collection created in 1987, discontinued in 2017

     After a first SF collection within the Livre de Poche, from 1977 to 1981, directed by Jean-Baptiste Baronian and Michel Demuth, the collection was reborn in 1987, under the leadership of Gérard Klein.
     At the start, the mockup features the author's name and book title in a two-color frame. The frame becomes entirely gray from 1998 (for “The Turing Problem” by Harry Harrison and Marvin Minsky).
     The model changes in 2010: the frame disappears from “Le Patrouilleur du temps” by Poul Anderson. The works are distinguished from the other collections of the Livre de Poche by a specific font and the mention “Science-Fiction” on the cover. 
VSThis model lasts until October 2011 (last title: “La Parallèle Vertov” by Frédric Delmeulle).
     From 2012 (“Elyseum”, by LE Modesitt), the typeface changes,
 and the mention Science-Fiction disappears from the cover.

     It is within this collection that in 1988 Gérard Klein introduced the Great Anthology of French Science-Fiction, co-edited with Ellen Herzfeld and Dominique Martel, which went through 6 volumes.

Director(s) of collection: 
- Gérard KLEIN from 1987 to 2017

Michael G. CONEY


Original title: Charisma, 1975

Translation by Jacques POLANIS
Cover illustration by Jackie PATERNOSTER 

POCKET BOOK (Paris, France), coll. SF (2nd series, 1987-) n° 7192
Legal deposit: Mars 1997
282 pages

    Fourth cover   
     When Susanna pops into John Maine's life, he doesn't yet know that she is from another world. From a parallel universe. And that he will have to seek it out in the infinity of possible worlds.
     At the risk of encountering, elsewhere, in another time, his own death. This is the price of love.
     In Charisma, science fiction joins the detective novel. To renew it.
     Michaël Coney, the author of La Grande Course de chars à voile and La Locomotive à vapor celeste, once again shows himself to be one of the most original creators of modern science fiction.

(Good general condition, clean, 
usual marks or rubbing 
miscellaneous very minor flats or edges, spine very good

see visuals... 
paper inside yellowed like always,
otherwise in good interior condition, 
clean, without inscriptions or annotations.


As always, combined shipping costs in the event of the purchase of several books...

   photo P1480579_zpswjlgbs03.jpg  photo P1480580_zps2yievveg.jpg  photo P1480581_zpsdieax6pt.jpg  photo P1480586_zpsmpyknnfg.jpg
In the 1980s, with the help of his wife Hélène (1929-2017), he resumed his activity as a publisher and discoverer of little-known texts, with the creation of Nouvelles Éditions Oswald (Néo), specializing in popular literature,       After a first SF collection within the Livre de Poche, from 1977 to 1981, directed by Jean-Baptiste Baronian and Michel Demuth, the collection was reborn in 1987, under the leadership of Gérard Klein.      At the start, the mockup features the author's name and book title in a two-color frame. The frame becomes entirely gray from 1998 (for “The Turing Problem” by Harry Harrison and Marvin Minsky).      The model changes in 2010: the frame disappears from “Le Patrouilleur du temps” by Poul Anderson. The works are distinguished from the other collections of the L