15 Litre Fermentation Bucket Handle & Lid Vessel + Tap + Airlock Home Brew Beer

Product description:

1. Container goes with a wide, plastic cover with a hole for installing the fermentation tube.

2. These containers provide the possibility of installing an angular fermentation tube, after drilling a hole to the side of the container, in its upper part. This allows you to conduct fermentation in several containers at the same time, putting them on top of one another.

High durability and flexibility. 
iscoloration resistant.

Two plugs are added to each container: one with a hole and the other with a stopper, so that you can use the angular fermentation tube with a traditional one alternately.


In order to facilitate the opening of the container, open the lid by gently pulling the handle, insert into the resulting gap, eg a spoon handle, and then drag it around the edge of the container.

It is not recommended to clean the containers with rough washers so as not to scratch their surface, which could become a source of infections.

These vessels can be additionally sealed by lubricating the edges of the container with vaseline or cooking oil.

Product width: 29.7cm
Product depth: 31.1cm
Product height: 31.7cm