Isn't this great? It appears to date to the mid 20th century or possibly a little earlier. I believe it was a student's project in school, maybe for woodworking. The handwriting in pencil looks so old. I believe it states it is from Carlisle, Pennsylvania on the bottom. This reminds me of those wonderful folk art cutouts by Lancastrian Menno Shirk. I have collected a few of those and this has that sort of primitive charm. I don't know what was in the column part. You could put some artificial flowers in there or something else that you think would be appropriate for the dog or cat to be pawing at. I have to admit I am completely flummoxed that I cannot decide whether it is a dog or a cat. That is not an ordinary problem one encounters. But it makes it so much more wonderfully strange. Wallace Stevens once wrote "My ignorance is my asset." I think he wanted to imply that mystery in art is essential. It creates an openness and a feeling which is probably a catalyst for others' imaginations. I think that's why folk art is finally getting its due from collectors. They love the sweet surprise that you so rarely get from the academically trained.