Understanding J. Bruce Ismay

The True Story of the Man They Called 'The Coward of Titanic'
Author(s): Clifford Ismay
Format: Paperback
Publisher: The History Press Ltd, United Kingdom
Imprint: The History Press Ltd
ISBN-13: 9780750998666, 978-0750998666


Coward. Brute. Yellow-livered.

For over 100 years, J. Bruce Ismay has been the scapegoat of the Titanic disaster. He is the villain of every film and TV drama: a fit and able-bodied man who sacrificed the lives of women and children in order to survive. Some even claim that it was his fault the Titanic sank, that he encouraged the captain to sail faster.

But is this the true story?

In Understanding J. Bruce Ismay, Clifford Ismay opens up the family archives to uncover the story of a quiet man savaged by over a century of tabloid press. This is a must-read for any enthusiast who wishes to form their own opinion of the Titanic?s most infamous survivor.