Horse Transport in London

Author(s): Samantha Ratcliffe, London's Transport Museum
Format: Paperback
Publisher: The History Press Ltd, United Kingdom
Imprint: The History Press Ltd
ISBN-13: 9780752434582, 978-0752434582


From the waterways to the motor car, London's transport has undergone a huge evolution. This collection of archive images examines the vehicles that helped change the face of transport in London in the Victorian and Edwardian eras. From the horse cabs in 1823 to the last tram ride to London's streets in 1952, this book includes such inventions as George Shillibeer's horse omnibus, the history of the hackney coach service, and the effects of petrol and electricity on the industry.

Accompanied by informative commentary, the book contains over 200 photographs to chart this very important aspect of London life. Samantha Ratcliffe is a curator at London's Transport Museum. This selection of photographs and ephemera has been chosen from the archives of the museum, providing an important record of the days of horse-drawn transport in London.