Grammar, Reading & Maths 10-Minute Tests Ages 5-6

Author(s): Paul Hollin, Helen Betts, Shelley Welsh
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Scholastic, United Kingdom
Imprint: Scholastic
ISBN-13: 9781407183121, 978-1407183121


Subject: Grammar, Reading & Maths

Type: Quick Tests

Ages: 5-6

Track progress with 10-minute skills checks!

These bite-sized test papers offer:

2 quick phonics checks

2 reading quick tests which include fiction and non-fiction texts.

3 complete grammar, punctuation and spelling quick tests

2 complete maths sets (each set contains 2 quick tests)

Full answers are provided along with a progress chart to help
identify any gaps in learning and track improvement.

If you want more quick tests please try the other titles in
the 10-Minute Tests series.

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