Luceplan Worldwide

Author(s): Rosi Guadagno, Patrizia Vicenzi
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Skira, Italy
Imprint: Skira
ISBN-13: 9788857200231, 978-8857200231


A host of snapshots from all over the world to capture the true life of the Luceplan collections. A comprehensive study of 30 years of work, this book examines the highly original Luceplan design that boasts an array of prizes and acknowledgements. Dozens of creations distributed all over the world, in places of work, study or daily living. A heterogeneous landscape of large and small Italian and non-Italian works of architecture by `starchitects' and promising young talents. Among them Marco Zanuso, Luciano Baldessarri, Dante Donegani, Jan Ejhed, Ross Lovegrave, Diego Rossi, Hugo Timmermans, Riccardo Sarfatti.