Across The Pacific

Asian Americans and Globalization
Author(s): Evelyn Hu-Dehart, E
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Temple University Press,U.S., United States
Imprint: Temple University Press,U.S.
ISBN-13: 9781566398244, 978-1566398244


If Asian Americans are to assume the role of bridge builders across the Pacific, what are the opportunities, the risks, the promises, and the perils? The answer to this question comes in eight groundbreaking essays in which contributors to Across the Pacific address issues of contemporary growth and diversification of Asian America in relation to the increasingly globalized economy. New meanings and practices of Asian Americans are considered in the atmosphere of global transformation that is present in the post-Civil Rights, post-Cold War, postmodern, and postcolonial era. This book explores, in descriptive and critical ways, how transnational relationships and interactions in Asian American communities are manifested, exemplified, and articulated within the international context of the Pacific Rim. Members of the Asian American community have always been trans-Pacific, but are now more than ever, since the 1965 change in [url] immigration law. Entering the [url] at the culmination of the Civil Rights movement, Asians becoming Asian Americans have joined a self-consciously multicultural society.
Asian economies roared onto the world stage, creating new markets while circulating capital and labor at an unprecedented scale and intensity, thereby helping drive the forces of modern globalization. These essays by well-known scholars in the field of Asian American studies consider such topics as the impact of new migrations on Asian American subjectivity and politics, Asian American activism and [url] foreign policy, and the role of Asian Americans in Pacific Rim economies. Considering issues of diaspora, transmigrancy, assimilation, institutionalized racism, and community, Across the Pacific covers such cutting-edge subjects as the cultural expressions of dislocation among contemporary Asian American writers, as well as the impact of the new migrations on Asian American subjectivity and politics.