Lost Kingdoms

Celtic Scotland and the Middle Ages
Author(s): John L. Roberts
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Edinburgh University Press, United Kingdom
Imprint: Edinburgh University Press
ISBN-13: 9780748609109, 978-0748609109


Lucid and entertaining, this book follows the history of Celtic Scotland from the ancient kingdoms of the Picts and Scots to the downfall of Clan Donald at the end of the fifteenth century. The roles played by Somerled and his descendants, the Canmore kings, Edward I as the 'Hammer of the Scots', and Robert the Bruce, are recounted, along with the impact of the Wars of Scottish Independence, and their aftermath in the North. It was only in the Western Highlands of Scotland that Celtic society survived in quasi-independence as the Lordship of the Isles, until its final forfeiture in 1493. John L Roberts adds academic accuracy to his gift for storytelling in this hugely enjoyable and scholarly history.