Magicshine UK Magicshine® MJ-6290 Shimano Light Connection Cable Magicshine lights

Magicshine UK Magicshine® MJ-6290 Shimano Light Connection Cable Magicshine lights

Magicshine Shimano Connecting Cable For MJ-900SE, Mj-902SE, Mj-906SE, ME 1000 and ME 2000 Front Bike Lights.

The Connection Cable connects Magicshine front lights with Shimano drives. Bike lights have to be turned to e-bike mode prior to connection. (Press and hold power switch for 8 sec)

Bike light output automatically adjusts to input voltage 6-12V. Ambient light sensor active under e-bike mode.

Length: 75cm

Magicshine E-Bike Light Connection Cable

Installation Video:



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