The Dark Side of Autism

Struggling to Find Peace and Understanding When Life's Not Full of Rainbows, Unicorns and Blessings
Author(s): Angela Berg-Dallara
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Morgan James Publishing llc, United States
Imprint: Morgan James Publishing llc
ISBN-13: 9781630470821, 978-1630470821


There should be no shame in the fact that parenting a child with Autism can be difficult and sometimes dark. There are how to "cure" your child of autism books which can leave parents feeling like a failure if those "cures" fall flat and there are many books that punctuate the "blessings". The Dark Side of Autism focuses on the importance of healing yourself and family while accepting when something may be out of your control. This book will remind parents that it's ok to grieve the loss of a child and the broken dreams you unmistakably had for them. It will help parents and caregivers come to terms that heartbreak and disappointment can be a big part of the diagnosis but also gives tips on how to break through the darkness and grief to see the light.