Song Noir

Tom Waits and the Spirit of Los Angeles
Author(s): Alex Harvey
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Reaktion Books, United Kingdom
Imprint: Reaktion Books
ISBN-13: 9781789146639, 978-1789146639


Song Noir examines the formative first decade of Tom Waits' career, when he lived, wrote and recorded nine albums in Los Angeles; from his soft, folk-inflected debut, Closing Time [tel], to the abrasive, surreal Swordfishtrombones [tel]. Starting his song-writing career in the '70s, Waits absorbed la's wealth of cultural influences. Combining the spoken idioms of writers like Kerouac and Bukowski with jazz-blues rhythms, he explored the city's literary and film noir traditions to create hallucinatory dreamscapes.
Waits mined a rich seam of the city's low-life locations and characters, letting the place feed his dark imagination. Mixing the domestic with the mythic, Waits turned quotidian, autobiographical details into something more disturbing and emblematic; a vision of la as the warped, narcotic heart of his nocturnal explorations.