The Syntax of Deverbal Compound Adjectives in English

Internal Structure and Categorial Identity
Author(s): Sebastian Wasak
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Peter Lang AG, Switzerland
Imprint: Peter Lang AG
ISBN-13: 9783631845950, 978-3631845950


This volume presents research into the syntax and semantics of English deverbal compound adjectives based on the passive and active participles, [url] pencil-drawn, action-packed, risk-taking, time-consuming. The study, couched in the current Distributed Morphology framework, uses rich linguistic data to investigate the syntactic behaviour of English participial compounds, in particular their ability to occur in typically adjectival and verbal contexts. The main claim of this work is that the verbal syntactic layers are not universally projected in the internal structure of adjectival synthetic compounds, the most important consequence of which is that linguistic formations derived from lexical verbs, even in combination with their arguments, need not be deverbal in the morphosyntactic sense.