The ABCs of Environmental Regulation

Author(s): Albert I. Telsey
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield, United States
Imprint: Bernan Press
ISBN-13: 9781636710150, 978-1636710150


Simplify the enormous array of [url] environmental regulations.

This popular handbook simplifies the complex world of environmental law and regulations so you can quickly see which ones impact your job, project, or course of study. This quick guide provides:

Easy to read research on a huge amount of environmental laws and regulations that will cut down your research time
History and summary of major [url] laws and regulations
Definitions of acronyms

This book simplifies numerous federal environmental regulations, including pollution prevention, spills and notifications, dumping, hazardous waste, storage tanks, workplace safety, nuclear energy, marine mammal protection, forests, soil/water conservation, ecosystems, wetlands, federal lands management, and wilderness protection.