1792 TINY Pocket French Calendar Poems Gilt Aquatint Illustrations Miniature


A small, pocket-size calendar published in 1792 Paris. This book, bound in Moroccan leather and gold-gilt decoration, contains poems and verses, elegies, and full-page aquatint illustrations.


Item number: #20528

Price: $550


VACHEZ, Nicolas


Les étrennes du jour de l'an, ou, Le cadeau sans pretention


Paris: Chez Le Vachez, 1792.


·       Collation: Complete with all pages

o   [54] unnumbered pages

o   9 leaves of plates, plus illustrated title page

·       Language: French

·       Binding: Leather; tight and secure

·       Size: ~3.75in X 2.25in (9.5cm x 5.5cm)


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