Shimano BR-MT200 disc brake caliper
The hydraulic Shimano BR-MT200 disc brake caliper provides reliable brake performance and reduces noises produced by the brake pads. At the same time its 2-piston construction guarantees consistent deceleration and control.
1 x Set of Shimano MT200 Hydraulic Disc Brake
Options: No Rotors or With 2 x 160mm Rotors(G3,HS1,RT56)
Cable Length: Front: 750mm and Rear: 1350mm
Brake Pad: Included - B01S - Pre-Installed
Color: Black
Pre-filled with brake oil


Depending on the size rotors you are using you may need an additional post mount or is mount adapter to fit these calipers to your application. Please contact us and we can provide them in your order for an additional charge.
If you need Olive & insert (for changing the rear hose length), please contact us before placing order
