1635 1ed Regle de Penitence Francis of Assisi Third Order Monastic Rule Penance


A rare, 17th-century pocket-size history of the Franciscan Third Order and the Rule of Penance from Saint Francis of Assisi. Published in 1635, this book contains descriptions of the regulations for church fathers as well as prayers and spiritual exercises. This edition was edited by Elzear des Dombes.


Item number: #20646

Price: $499


DOMBES, Elzear de


La Règle de Pénitence du Séraphique Père St François


Paris: Chez G. Josse, 1635. First edition.


·        Collation: Complete with all pages

o   [16], 678, [8]

·       Language: French

·       Binding: Leather; tight and secure

o   One functioning clasp (of two)

·       Size: ~3.5in X 2in (8.5cm x 5cm)

·       Quite scarce


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