The Rendlesham Forest UFO Mystery

And Project Honey Badger
Author(s): George Wingfield
Format: Paperback
Publisher: The Squeeze Press, United Kingdom
Imprint: The Squeeze Press
ISBN-13: 9781906069230, 978-1906069230


On a dark winter's night in December 1980 two US airmen who were security guards at a USAF base in Suffolk, England, encountered a mysterious unidentified craft with flashing lights that had landed in the forest outside the perimeter. When the story got out, despite a cover-up and official denials, there were many who saw it as clear evidence our planet was being visited by UFOs from outer space. Skeptics who felt sure that must be a false explanation rushed to offer more earthly suggestions, or to insist the story was quite untrue and the airmen were lying. But they weren't! Years after this strange incident, the actual identity of the "UFO" has become plain and also the purpose for which this weapon was devised. It was needed as a result of an international crisis. Now, author George Wingfield examines the background of these events and also other similar unexplained sightings and encounters with UFOs during that era.