My Neighbor Totoro" is a masterpiece animation by Hayao Miyazaki, who wrote the original story, script, and directed the film.

The story takes place in Tokorozawa in the 1950s. 

It is a mysterious story that begins in an old house in the countryside filled with rich nature, where a father, a scholar studying archaeology at a university, Satsuki, a sixth grader, and Mei, a four-year-old, have moved in. 

Satsuki and Mei become friends with Totoro, a monster who lives in the forest and can only be seen by children, and the fantasy of Satsuki and Mei playing innocently to their hearts' content strengthens the bond between parents and children. 

This is a story that will surely make everyone want to live in the forest.

This product can be used for everyday washing of hands, etc.

organic cotton, non-ply yarn, steam shirring, scalloped hem, full-length embroidery, fur applique embroidery, antibacterial/odor-resistant treatment

25 x 25 x 0.5 cm