Good Herbs Hair Oil & Natural Omega 3 Combo Pack for Women

Good Herbs Hair Oil is a unique blend of pure and natural hair oils that help nourish and protect your hair and scalp.

Natural Omega 3 is rich in antioxidants and Omega 3, 6, 9. Its antioxidant properties help remove free radicals and improve overall functioning of the body. It also helps improve immunity.

5000-Year-Old Vedic Pak Vidhi: Good Herbs hair oil is an age-old ayurvedic blend of 6 rare herbs infused with 4 essential oils in a 36-hour long ayurvedic process. The process is completed after it reaches the desired consistency of miscibility of herbs, appearance, smell and effectiveness.

Contains omega-3 fatty acids: Flax seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients necessary for good health.

How to use Good Herbs Hair Oil: Apply it properly and massage the scalp for a few minutes. Let it stay for few hours before you wash your hair. Use it at least 3 times a week.

How To Use natural omega 2 capsule: One capsule with water, every day in the morning with breakfast and one capsule in the evening with dinner. Living a healthy life is a matter of discipline.

GMP Certified: Clinically tested and validated, Tested for Heavy Metals, made in India, no chemicals, Safe for Daily Use, No Side-Effects.