Adelaide Gourmet Mushroom Supplies

MAITAKE MUSHROOM Tincture Double Extract 100ml. Take 2 ml a day , Made from the fruit body’s Contains Alcohol

This product may help in preventing and treating breast cancer, has shown to suppress tumour growth in mice , cancers,Cholesterol,type2 Diabetes, colds and flus, helps with blood pressure, immunity functions, side effects of Chemotherapy, rich in antioxidants, Beta glucans, vitamin B and C, copper, potassium, fibre, minerals, Amino acids


Customers are advised

to consult a physician or

other qualified health

professional regarding

treatment of any

medical conditions.

Information provided or

any information

contained in or on any

packaging or

Product label is for

informational purposes

only and is not intended

as a substitute for the

advice provided by your

physician or other

primary healthcare

professional who knows

your medical history.

You should not use the

information or products

provided by Adelaide Gourmet Mushroom Supplies

for diagnosing

or treating a health

problem or disease.

Adelaide Gourmet Mushroom Supplies

cannot be responsible

for the inappropriate use

of information provided.

You should always speak

with your physician or

other healthcare

professional before

taking any medication,

nutritional or herbal,

supplement, or adopting

any treatment for a

health problem. If you

have or suspect that you

have a medical problem

or illness, contact your

healthcare provider


Adelaide Gourmet Mushroom Supplies does

not provide any medical
