"Children Like Wintersmith's Chill-Tonic."  Louisville Kentucky.

"...make you immune to all malarial fevers, colds and la grippe." - Approx. 2.5 x 5 inches
Arthur Peter & Co. General Agents, Louisville, KY: " ... all Druggists, 50c and $1.00 size bottles."
"We guarantee to refund your money if it does not cure Chills." - Healthy children share candy box treats.

Antique Quack Remedy Cure Drugstore Doctor Patent Medicine Drug Store Medical Business Advertising Card
+ Over 1,000+ more fabulous antique cards are currently listed at the Dave Cheadle Card Store

View More GREAT  Medicine, Saloon & Health  Cards... Click:  (( MORE BOTTLE CARDS ))

To See More of the BEST  19th Century  Cards Click:   (( MORE GREAT CARDS ))

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* MORE  GREAT  pre-1900  - Cure, Remedy / Health & Beauty, Medical, etc.   Visit store:       

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Condition:  - Assume every card has evidence of aging, flaws and wear.  My cards are old... NO reproductions!
Please ... SEE  the   HUGE   SCANS to carefully note any and all FLAWS!     

All of the Dave Cheadle Card Store cards are Authentic Antiques = 100% Guaranteed Original   
After 50 years of collecting, I'm thinning my archives of thousands and thousands of pre-1900 cards.   

My inventory includes items ranging from common and affordable
to one-of-a-kind rarities that I have used to illustrate   
my over 150 articles that I have published, along with numerous books I've published, including   

My  ... now out-of-print 1996 classic book that helped establish the name for the ebay category and  
          helped define the hobby of Victorian Trade Card collecting:   

                                                                                 by  Dave Cheadle

Be sure to subscribe to my STORE NEWSLETTER and to add me to your favorites list!   

As a life-long collector and social historian, and   
as the founding editor of the Trade Card Collectors Association's journal, "The Trade Card Quarterly,"   

I can certify that all items offered are authentic and fully guaranteed-- full refunds without question if not as represented.    
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More  GREAT ADVERTISING TRADE CARDS, ephemera, vintage Colorado History Postcards,  
   Historical Paper Americana, 19th Century and antique cards etc. always available  
right now for  ~  Immediate Purchase  ~   in my store   

as -- BUY IT NOW      = More of the Best Cards on ebay ... 
Click this Hot Link:    Dave Cheadle Card Store    
